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What is the Church?

King of Kingsmen believes every Jesus Christ-centered congregation makes up the (capital "C") Church, which is the total body of all believers  in Jesus.


This concept of a unified body of believers is not foreign to us - it was the original intent God had for the Israelites.


Through Jesus Christ, the New Covenant maintains God's perfect vision for a community of Godly and holy people obedient to Him from the Old Covenant.


Creation of Man and the Garden of Eden

God created man on the Sixth Day of Creation. The Lord breathed life into man and made him in His own Image. He placed the man, Adam, in the Garden of Eden, a beautiful place showcasing God's majesty, filled with lush trees that produced delicious fruit, animals of all kinds, and mighty rivers. In the Garden, God was in direct communion with Adam and Eve (whom God created as Adam's wife), and He gave Adam the great privilege of tending to and watching over it. This was the very picture of God's original, glorious intent of Creation. Then, even after Adam and Eve's sudden disobedience and the fall of mankind, God sought to restore this loving and perfect relationship He had in the Garden of Eden with humanity, His special creation.

The Old Covenant

The history of the Christian Church begins in the Torah or Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Not many generations after Adam, God showed His love by sparing humanity, despite its wickedness, from the Great Flood through Noah. Shortly thereafter, God called out to Abram (whom He renamed Abraham) and told him to leave his land and relocate to the land of Canaan. Because of Abraham's obedience, God promised him He would give him countless descendants who would one day take the entire land under their control. This promise led to God giving Moses the Old Covenant that He made with the children of Israel.


The Law was given to the entire community of Israel on Mount Sinai after the Exodus when God rescued them from years of oppression and slavery in Egypt. The Old Covenant promised that God would protect and bless Israel as they lived in the land of Canaan, if they would be obedient and follow His Laws. These rules included moral, civil, and ceremonial regulations that had a variety of punishments if not followed. Punishments included offering animal sacrifices, being labeled as "unclean," being cut off from the community, and even death. Every punishment served keep the whole people of God pure and holy unto Him. The children of Israel told Moses that they accepted God's Covenant, who in turn sprinkled the blood of animals on the people to signify their commitment to the Old Covenant.


God's purpose of the Old Covenant for the people of Israel is found in Leviticus 20:26 where God says "You are to be holy to Me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be Mine."


The People of Israel Failed to Keep the

Old Covenant

Once the first generation of Israelites who claimed possession of Canaan, the Promised Land, passed away, succeeding generations were disobedient to God and failed to keep the Old Covenant. This led to the necessity of the Judges, who acted as saviors and God's intercessors with the people. Shortly thereafter, the people once again rebelled against God and demanded to have a king to rule over them to be just like all the other nations. This directly broke God's original intent with the Old Covenant, as He was meant to be their King.


While there were some Godly kings in Israel, such as David and Solomon, and later Hezekiah, Jehoshaphat, and Josiah in the Kingdom of Judah, the spiritual decline of the people continued to grow exponentially. They committed idolatry and continued in their sin, contaminating the purity God intended His people to have. God sent several prophets, such as Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, and Jeremiah, who pleaded with the people to repent and return to God or face His Wrath, but almost all of them were either shunned, mocked, beaten. or even killed.


Because the people broke their promise to abide by God's Law under the Old Covenant, God was no longer bound to his obligation to protect and bless the Israelites in their land. He had the land ransacked and its people taken into captivity by other nations. However, since God cannot break His Word, He kept His promise to Abraham by having a remnant of the people of Israel return to the Promised Land.


The Arrival of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

the Messiah

Jesus, the One through Whom all creation came to be, was born into the world through a Virgin Birth to save it. This is why we celebrate Christmas. He is the only man to have ever lived absolutely perfect and holy to God according to the Old Covenant, never sinning once. On Earth, Jesus healed the sick (both physically and spiritually), taught the people how to live righteously and Godly, and displayed His Deity by sharing His unparalleled wisdom and performing amazing miracles.


The main purpose for Jesus' arrival was to act as our substitute in death, becoming a perfect and final sin offering to God the Father in Heaven on our behalf. Jesus was sentenced to death at Passover by the Jewish leaders (for exposing their false religiosity, hypocrisy, and clear drift away from God), and was Crucified by the Romans (out of fear and for disrupting the peace). Jesus' condemnation to death, despite His clear and righteous innocence, is the pinnacle of humanity's fall.


The Crucifixion and Resurrection of

Jesus Christ

Jesus took upon Himself all of humanity's sin (every sin that people have ever and will ever commit) to become sin itself. In fact, God the Father darkened the sky when Jesus was hanging on the Cross so He would not have to see His Son carry the sin of the world. His death on Passover harkened back to the Torah, where God required the people to slaughter a spotless lamb in worship. Jesus, in His death and in His subsequent visit to the place of the dead, became this innocent Passover lamb on our behalf and was killed for all our sins.


However, because Jesus' death was severely unjust (instead, it was the fate that all of humankind deserved), God the Father Resurrected Jesus from the grave on the third day and He appeared in physical form to his disciples. Jesus' death and Resurrection is the most important event in history, the Singularity, of all time. This is why we celebrate Easter.


Jesus, Who Rose from the dead as the Firstfruits of the Resurrection across all creation, provided a way for all of his disciples, past, present, and future, to spend eternity with Him in paradise. His Resurrection gives all believers great hope and comfort that we will be spared from (despite us deserving) God's Wrath on Judgment Day.


The Creation of the New Covenant

After Jesus' Resurrection, He ascended into Heaven and offered His Blood to God the Father in Heaven as the perfect offering for all sin, solidifying the New Covenant between God and His people. The New Covenant, in which God writes His Law on the hearts of all who believe in Jesus, replaced the Old Covenant, where the Law was written on tablets of stone.


But, Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill." On the Cross, Jesus did fulfill the Law by paying in full all of our debts, including every punishment that we would have had to pay (including death) for breaking the laws of the Old Covenant. And instead of offering continual animal sacrifices for our sins, Jesus' death paid that requirement once for all time. It also means that we, as believers in Jesus, are no longer bound to the civil or ceremonial requirements of the Old Covenant, as they were merely shadows of what was to come with Jesus. However, the moral laws and God's original intent/purpose for the Old Covenant still apply today.


Under the New Covenant, we are to be set apart from the world as holy and righteous unto God, just like the Israelites were to be under the Old Covenant. The difference is, under the New Covenant and the Law of Grace, we are now actually able to achieve that desired goal. We as the (capital "C") Church can now approach God boldly, fully cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, to achieve His Will as a fully devoted, God-centered, and God-fearing community. This was God's original intent when He established the Old Covenant, and it remains true.


The Birth of the Church at Pentecost

Jesus told his apostles to be in Jerusalem on the 50th day after His Resurrection. On that day, the apostles received and were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Several Jews heard the apostles speaking in different tongues and came to see what was happening. At that time, Peter the Apostle gave a sermon to the masses and called them to repent of their sins in Jesus' Name, and many on that day followed Jesus and converted to Christianity. This is why we celebrate Pentecost.


This event gave birth to the (capital "C") Church. The Church continued to grow and disciples began dispersing everywhere. Congregations were formed in settlements all over the region, often in people's homes. Traveling teachers (referred to as missionaries or evangelists), like the Apostle Paul and Barnabas, emerged to bring the Gospel, the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ, all throughout the world.


The spreading of the Gospel is in accordance with the Great Commission, where Jesus told His disciples to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you." Variations of the Great Commission are found in all four of the Gospels (Matthew 28:19-20 is quoted above) and in the Book of Acts.


King of Kingsmen exists to continue this expansion of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ by helping congregations meet their financial needs so they can instead work toward the goal of reaching more people for Jesus.

Repent of Your Sins and Become a Believer in Jesus Christ - Today

Salvation is a free gift from God - it does not have to be (and is impossible to be) earned. God wants EVERYONE to accept His glorious gift of Salvation.


If you have not yet given your life to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, make today the day! Everlasting joy can be yours right now!


2 Corinthians 6:2 says "For He says: 'At an acceptable time I listened to you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' See, now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!"


The Bible tells us how you can become of believer in Jesus Christ today (right this very moment!): Romans 10:9 says "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."


Salvation is the greatest gift ever, and it can be yours today! Thank God for sending His Son Jesus Christ to Earth, call out for repentance from your sins through the Blood of Jesus, and ask to receive the Holy Spirit in your life, and you will be Born Again into the (capital "C") Church!


Amen brothers and sisters,! Welcome to the family of God, and know:


We are all King of Kingsmen!

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